Basic Economy vs Expanded Title Search

Basic Economy
50 Point Search 1
Deed Copy
Current 2
Current 2
Mortgage Copies
Open 3, Pertinent 4
Lien Copies
Open 3, Pertinent 4
Other Copies 5
Open 3, Pertinent 4
Limited 6

Title Search Report Sample

  1. "50 Point Search" Learn more about our 50 point title search included on all current owner searches.
  2. "Current" means we'll provide a copy of the current deed. In some cases there may be more than one current deed.
  3. "Open" refers to documents that are abstracted in the report. In other words, if a recorded document found and still encumbers the property (not released or satisfied), it will be listed in the abstract report and a copy of pertinent pages will be provided.
  4. "Pertinent Pages" means we will provide copies of the recorded document pages with pertinent information on it; recording date, recorder stamp, etc. Watch the video below for more information.
  5. "Other Copies" refers to any other documents found during research that appear to encumber the property.
  6. "Limited Support" means our support will be limited specifically to the data scoped in the abstract, not an understanding of what that data implies or the ramifications thereof.

Basic economy vs expanded title search.

What are pertinent pages?

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  $175.00 Economy Residential
  $225.00 Expanded Residential
  $350.00 Full 30 Yr Residential
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